Saturday 7 November 2009

It seems that

there are no bizarre subcultures left. Or if they are they are further underground. but even considering this, why would they be driven so underground? the only reason i can think is to gain exclusivity.

It seems that so much is accepted now that people can deal with subcultures and infact don't mind anymore. It's almost as if there is a group of people doing something that isn't the norm or could be questioning it and someone will say 'oh look. there is those people doing that thing that those small groups of people do. That's weird. BUT you know, we should let people get on with what they're doing. it's good that they have a club to indulge this sort of thing within.'

and of course acceptance is amazing. when there wasn't any, the media ganged up and tried to educate the masses and turn them against the subculture which ultimately meant war and death.

But the edge is definitely gone.


okay, i know Wikipedia said it. But! I'm only interested that someone said it before me
how fucking incredible:

In some ways, Generation Y have become seen as the ultimate rejection of the

there we go. that's really fascinating to me. I think that if i am to be including myself in Generation Y or Generation Me or whatever the hell it's supposed to be called, then of course I'm going to want to know what it's like to be included in this. Why are we like we are. And should I really be questioning anything having being brought up in this big wave of putting oneself first? the answer is really in the latter part there. YES i should be thinking about me. because this generation has been told that the self is more important than being patriotic or conscious to anything non-consumer.

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